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ONC BOCES School Library System: Services

For users of the ONC BOCES School Library System and those interested in learning more.


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521 CoSer Library Automation

CoSer 521 – Library Automation

The School Library System administers the Library Automation CoSer 521 for networking, management, technical support, library equipment and training.  Each district pays a fee to participate, allowing expenditures that meet the guidelines, such as the Service Update Agreements to OPALS, SCOOLS, and SEEK,  OPALS training, and library technology.  Library Automation supports OPALS, SCOOLS, SEEK, and OnLine Library Database Management with ongoing support, a liaison between automation vendors and librarians, trouble shooting via emails, phone and visits, training new librarians & staff, and database management.

CoSer 521 Library Automation Guidelines for approved expenditures
Summarized from NYSED Commissioner’s regulations

Nature of Service:

BOCES operates a library automation and database development service designed to provide an integrated regional database, online catalog, circulation management, records conversion, single sign-on (SSO), and interlibrary loan system for two or more component districts.

Covered expenditures related to library automation:
  • Training
  • Consultants
  • Hardware per school library media center eligible for aid may include the following if it is networked for use with the library automation software.
  • 1 network file server, with appropriate back-up devices
  • 6 workstations (including one circulation and one management workstation for up to 600 students enrolled B additional workstations will be eligible for BOCES aid at the ratio of 1 per 200 additional students enrolled.
  • 2 printers (output devices) B additional printers will be eligible for BOCES aid at the ratio of 1 per 4 additional workstations.
  • 1 uninterrupted power supply
  • 1 modem or other analogous device for exploring beyond the library=s walls.
  • 1 direct telephone line B ongoing telephone charges are not included.
  • 3 barcode scanning devices
Software per school library media center eligible for BOCES aid includes:
  • Network operating system software
  • Telecommunications software
  • Library automation software
  • Management system software
  • Computer operating system software

Databases which have been developed cooperatively by component districts and which are shared between two or more participating school districts are eligible for BOCES aid.

505 CoSer


This service provides access to current instructional tools including print, media, and remote resources, to meet the rapidly changing information needs of library patrons.  Through regional planning and coordinated purchasing,the School Library System (SLS) explores partnerships with other library systems, publishers and information vendors to seek the most cost effective contracts and services.  All resources are accessible to participants online.  SLS staff assists districts with training and technical assistance with electronic resources as needed. Districts may participate in one or all of the extended service levels:

Level 1 - Online Databases

The Online Database Service offers district libraries the opportunity to purchase databases at a volume discount.  These online fee-based subscriptions,which can be accessed via the Internet from school o rhome, support the K-12 curriculum.  Resources assist in linking the library media program to curriculum, modeling behavior students need to be successful in the information age.  This shared service includes Web-based encyclopedias,magazines, newspapers, curriculum reference tools, and other electronic library databases.

Level 2 - Periodical Subscriptions

The Periodical Subscription service provides for regional coordination for the purchase of school library magazine subscriptions.  School Library system negotiates discounted pricing with subscription providers based on volume discount.

Level 3 - Cooperative Collection Development (CCD)

The Cooperative Collection Development (CCD) service encourages collaboration and advanced planning to guarantee that library monies are spent effectively,needless duplication of resources is avoided, and collections are thoughtfully developed to support curriculum. Participating libraries identify their own collection needs annually and a CCD Committee cooperatively develops selection criteria to ensure that purchases are aligned with curriculum and meet the needs of all participants.  Books become the property of the SLS CCD collection, but are housed in the library that recommended the purchase.