The “SCOOLS” initiative pioneered an early open source library automation community. Six New York State School Library Systems envisioned an open source, Web-based, standards-based union catalog to provide almost paperless, managed interlibrary loan services for approximately 399 schools in their six regions. The database now houses more than 1.5 million titles (3.3 million plus holdings), and uses the Internet to communicate and manage the ILL process. In New York State, 29 School Library Systems now use OPALS’ union catalog to provide resource sharing and cataloging resources to over 2500 libraries. This initiative has also been adopted by consortia in many other US States, special interest associated libraries, and internationally by organizations in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and East Asia.
New York State's South Central Organization of (School) Library Systems. (August, 2017). SCOOLS Union Catalog: History and Mission. Retrieved from