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Copy of Information Fluency Continuum: Oct. 11, 2019 Resources

workshop description


Re-Imagining Information Fluency and Standards Alignment for our Students

Students are the heart of any school library program. As school librarians, we know we must teach our students the skills they need to succeed in the ever-changing and complex information environment. The Empire State Information Fluency Continuum (ESIFC) has been re-imagined to provide a guide for that teaching; it is a comprehensive PK-12 continuum of the skills, responsibilities, and dispositions that will enable our students to flourish, both personally and academically. The skills of the ESIFC will align with the expectations of various national and New York State standards documents, including NextGen science standards, New York’s Social Studies and ELA standards, and AASL and ISTE standards.


In this workshop, we will explore the new ESIFC and translate it into action. You will discover essential skills of inquiry, multiple literacies, design thinking, social responsibility, and even student agency. Most importantly, you will be able to collaborate with colleagues to develop personalized approaches, lessons, formative assessments, and strategies to transform teaching and learning in your school.


Information Fluency Slideshow


Inwood Park Seal Slideshow